
“No work of man is perfect. It is inevitable that, in the course of time, the imperfections of a written Constitution will become apparent. Moreover, the passage of time will bring changes in society which a Constitution must accommodate if it is to remain suitable for the nation. It was imperative, therefore, that a practicable means of amending the Constitution be provided.” -Thomas Jefferson

is the call for a U.S constitutional convention that is led by civilian delegates from every state & territory in the U.S. The right to affordable housing, quality education & healthcare, is the right of every single being on Earth. By investing in the collective well-being of humanity, we are investing in the well-being of individuals/families. There is no authority on Earth that is greater than the authority that has already granted all of us permission to live on Earth.

RepresentALL is calling forward civilian delegates that are ready to begin working on a new constitution that will guarantee the fundamental, basic rights of every single resident in the United States & beyond. Critical areas of public safety that must be addressed are;

Climate; establish rules on recycling & re-usage. Address mass pollution (noise, fuel, & other pollutants) that are impacting the overall health of the collective. Recommend solutions that can be effectively implemented by local communities. Address commercial farming and allow local districts to establish community-based, community-owned cellular agriculture companies. Establish guidelines for cellular agriculture companies & create a civilian review board to oversee compliance/review. The civilian review board should be required to complete ongoing training. RepresentAll is NOT making a recommendation against “traditional” small farmers that wish to continue with the current “hunting” system. #AdvanceTheScienceOfAgriculture  

Housing & land use; establish a “Right to Housing” guideline in all states, the UN has an already established “Right to Housing”. Establish social housing policy for the entire U.S, and create a trust fund for such housing. Establish public safety guidelines for all housing communities & work with communities to create community-based safety systems. Establish PSH (permanent supportive housing) under the social housing policy. Don’t allow the private housing market to compete against itself, to be the only source of housing for residents with varying housing needs. Look into redistribution of available land to U.S residents. Establish land & housing back programs for Native & Black Americans that wish to establish new Sovereign communities. 

Education; All residents have a right to a quality and affordable education. Partner with educational groups to create guidance on quality education that is always affordable for the people. Examine predatory lending, examine fair pay for workers in the field of education, and support ongoing education/training for workers in the field. An educated society is a benefit to the collective Nation.

Healthcare; Direct investments in community-based health systems (non-privatized) to advance the collective health of humanity. Critical investments are needed in men’s and women’s health, and investments in mental, behavioral, and rehabilitation healthcare. Discuss ongoing education/training for workers in the field. #EndCancer

Restorative justice; for the communities impacted by systematic violence (in the U.S and possibly outside of). Reparations & restorative justice are owed to specific groups of Americans affected by ongoing racial & class violence. Dismantle and work to establish a new judicial system that is actually JUST & FAIR. Look into establishing/re-establishing a Bureau that is a representation of impacted groups. EX: Freedmen’s Bureau. Bureau’s job is to listen directly to the impacted community’s needs and wants, is to work to implement new systems and structures. Examine existing agencies with the supposed intent of working on behalf of supposed marginalized groups. Measure the success and call forward accountability/reform or the dismantling of agencies/groups formed to support marginalized groups but aren’t actually doing that. Offer support/resolutions for often targeted groups including LGBTQ  by allowing members of that community to implement new systems, and if necessary to establish new protected communities that work for them. 

• Establish a Bureau of Refugees to establish healthy immigration policies that do not allow corporations to utilize immigrants to suppress the wages of American workers that are usually striking against low wages. Establish systems that do not allow corporations to take the taxes of Americans overseas to utilize lower paid work forces. Establish a system that will allow immigrants to be treated with basic dignity & respect as all humans are owed food, water, and right to shelter. 

• Establish a UN civilian board; discuss the heavy militarization of police & military, of heavy pollution caused by said groups, of global displacement of civilians due to U.S military/police occupation. Establish a solution for the divestment of specific communities from militarized police systems that were established by American Nazis (slave patrols). Discuss establishing safe refugee nations for displaced refugee children & adults. Every human on the Earth deserves public safety, outline what that actually looks like.

• Foster City; pro-life for the living, that sounds amazing. Establish a civilian board to oversee the collective well-being of displaced youth up until the age of 24. Safe cities & communities for displaced youth are critical!

• Transportation; sitting in traffic for hours on end has stolen time from many, take back your time by committing to building smarter communities. Critical investments in more pedestrian-only land space, in bike infrastructure, and in shared mass transit options that are reliable, clean, & safe. Look into requiring a maximum speed limit on vehicles as traffic violence takes the lives of over 40,000 Americans a year. Address community concerns in regards to aviation especially private jets, rogue helicopter and small planes popping up across many U.S cities. Address the need for a cross country reliable train system that is funded with American tax dollars. 

• Cannabis; Legalize cannabis on a federal level. Use taxes to restore and heal communities impacted by the “War on Drugs”.

Public safety; Look into the establishment of more “new intentional communities” that are based on a basic set of principles. Communities that are committed to peaceful co-existence based on a set of given morals. Communities where militarized occupations cannot exist.

Insider trading; examine illegal insider trading being done by political figures, establish rule of law and accountability for politicians involved in illegal trading. Limit/restrict corporate influence in American politics, establish rule of law and accountability/fines for corporations/politicians. Establish a rule to remove politicians from office when they are involved in either of the above-mentioned. Look into Democracy vouchers for the people. Consider; the establishment of a new process of Democratic lotteries where assemblies are created by a random democratic lottery and where assembly members are required to uphold the wants & needs of local communities as long as it doesn’t violate the rights of other groups. Alleged violations cannot include claims against groups who are owed & seeking repair as that is restitution being made for systematic harm caused. EX: Native & Black Americans. 

“Intelligence is ongoing, individual adaptability. Adaptations that an intelligent species may make in a single generation, other species make over many generations of selective breeding and selective dying.”